Thursday, August 4, 2011

Postcards - Pisa - 3.2.1969

To- Julia, Deakin. ACT. 2600   3/2/1969

Hullo J.
     Thanks for your card - we got it in Rome, where the Bank sent mail for us.  WHO won a prize at the Great Exhibition???  Crystal Palace burned down about 1930 you know.*
     We have come from Pisa where we climbed the tower, up the stairways inside, clanged one of the bells at the top and found it hard to stand upright when we got back to ground. 
      Just had two days in Rome rushing about, on our way to Florence tomorrow, then to Milan to see the Jamiesons, maybe (tell Mum) if they've arrived.
      Bumped into a Canberran in Rome today - Billy Fletcher, from National Circuit, on his way to be 3rd Secetary in Geneva!
     Love P & D.
*See Adelaide postcard 8th July 1968

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